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We have expert knowledge and experience in radio advertising

We will guide you through finding the right campaign to suit your needs within your budget. We will help you with concept, timing, station and cost. Many of our clients are regular radio advertisers, proving that this medium works very well.

It’s intrusive

No matter what else listeners are doing, they can still be hearing your advertising message.
It requires little or no effort to absorb your message.
People don’t listen to adverts, they listen to what interests them.

It’s immediate

Talk to your customers right NOW.
Stay with them throughout their decision making process at any time of the day.
Your message can be the last message they hear before they shop.

It is solus

Only one message can be broadcast at one time and because you can’t just switch your ears off.
The message just has to be of interest to the listener.

It is emotive

Research shows that 84% of buying decisions are based on emotion and backed up by logic.
Using speech, sound and music can tap into emotions in a powerful way.

It is transportable

All cars have radios – many digital.
Listeners use their radio as company – as a friend.
When driving, the listener is perfectly placed to absorb your message.

It is trusted

The trust that listeners place on their radio immediately passes to you – this trust enhances your reputation.
There is a perception that you must be a “big enough” company to go on the radio.
Trust is massively important in this day and age.

Radio is local

Listeners are tuning in to this station because they want to hear local news, traffic and travel and information.